Last week I went on my first business trip ever, and it was a fantastic one! The trip was to Stockholm, Sweden. Not only was the work really productive, but exploring the city was really fun as well. One of the highlights was that my coworker and I went for an evening run along a popular route. That was super! We also ate a lot of traditional food and sampled many local beers. What a great trip! Below are some of the photos I took.

We were walking to dinner and had to stop several times to take photos of this amazing sunset over Stockholm.

This is the Arlanda Express, which is the best way to get to/from the airport and Central Station. We used the app to buy tickets while at dinner. So convenient!

I was surprised to find sakura! I see so many Instagram photos from Japanese instagrammers, and I am happy that I could take some sakura photos too.

This statue of King Gustaf III is by the waterside… a favorite perch for the local seagulls.

Blå Dörren (Blue Door) is where we had Swedish meatballs and pickled herring, along with local beer. So yummy!

No 9 on Stora Nygatan in the Old City

Plugged Records on Stora Nygatan. This street is in Gamla Stan Old Town. It’s such a cool section!

Stora Nygatan in the Old Town

Stora Nygatan in the Old Town

Window Shopping at Åhléns. This department store was right next to the office. I really liked the Honda CB, which had a weird disc brake fitted to the front wheel.

Nice ad on the street. I like the cow.

One of the many local beers we sampled. This photo was taken at Bakfickan.

Fuchiko, Röhrstrom, and Chiffon. Mariko sent me a message with this dish design, and I found this cake dish at the Åhléns department store. I had to hand carry this back to Austin, but it was worth it!
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