こんばんは!How’s it going?
Today we bought something pretty cool – a Wacom Intuos Art tablet. Bay has been wanting to use a good tablet stylus to do art on the computer and our current tablets don’t have the hardware necessary to use the good styli. So instead of investing in an iPad Pro or Surface Pro, we got the Wacom. I used to have a massive 12×12″ ArtZ II Wacom tablet a long time ago and enjoyed using it with Painter 5, but I sold that tablet when we moved in 2000. Although I liked it, that size just took up too much deskspace. The new Intuos we got is the small version, and it’s a nice size for drawing, and the price was good as well: $99. I figured we shouldn’t spend a lot for a tablet that may or may not get much use.
Besides Bay, I have wanted to try a tablet out with Lightroom, and Mariko said she’d also like to create some art with a tablet. So, I gave it a go for a few minutes in Lightroom tonight and it was a nice experience! Especially with using the Adjustment Brush. The pressure sensitivity is really precise and it is easy to add subtle effects. I think I am going to enjoy using it!
Today’s photo is of the Baby’s Breath flowers that I used to make the Valentines bouquet last week. I think they look pretty cool in close-up.
It’s getting late, so I will say goodnight! おやすみなさい!