Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!Hey there! How’s it going today?
It was a beautiful day here in Central Texas and I spent the morning in the backyard cleaning up some garden beds and trimming our fig tree. In the past two years, our fig tree has grown like crazy and kind of got out of control. So this year I cut it back pretty drastically. I now have a huge stack of branches piled up in the corner of the backyard and I’m not sure how I am going to get rid of those, but it probably involves sawing those branches into smaller pieces, bundling them up, and throwing them out with the regular trash. I think the bundles need to be under four feet in length in order for the garbage service to collect them. It’ll take a lot of work to make those bundles! But that’s for another weekend.
While I was doing that, Mariko was at the nursery buying some tomato and jalapeno plants for the garden. I’m excited about the peppers, but not too crazy about the tomatoes. I guess I am discouraged because the birds and squirrels usually get our tomatoes before we can harvest them. But this year we’ll be more diligent with the netting. We’ll see how that goes.
Tomorrow we’ll finish planting all of those and I also need to get our garden hoses in order. A few of the sections of the hose are leaking badly, and we want to make it easy to water the plants on the deck, which means splitting the hose (using an adapter) and pulling a length of hose up to the deck. Shouldn’t be too difficult, but might take some time.
Today’s photo is of one of the succulent pottings that we have on our deck. This one is a couple years old, but Mariko put in some fresh soil and cleaned it up a bit.
Well, I hope you had a nice Saturday! See you tomorrow!
Happy gardening