Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!Happy Thursday!
We’re getting a lot of rain here in central Texas, which is great because we always suffer dry summers it seems. So hopefully the rain is filling up the lakes.
Today was a strange day at work. I worked pretty much non-stop from 7:45am until 4:25pm (working through lunch) but the weird thing was, I didn’t even have time to open Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator. I spent the entire time either in meetings, or emailing people and coordinating projects. And it was EXHAUSTING. I don’t think I’ve ever had a day like that before… I didn’t realize it before, but all that planning and crafting emails takes a lot of brainpower. At the end of the day I was in a daze! But it was great to know that all of that planning was necessary and important and will be a huge benefit in the near future.
As I was observing how fatiguing that kind of work was today, I remembered something that was said in the asadora Amachan. One of the experienced sea-urchin divers told the newbie diver to not think while underwater. Huh? It turns out that all that brain activity uses up a lot more oxygen, and therefore you cannot stay underwater as long. Maybe today’s type of work, which I am not used to, was using up all my energy.
Today’s photo was taken at the drive-thru of our local In-n-Out. When I got home from work, the family requested this specifically, and I was happy to oblige! I love the burgers there. My oldest son loves to order a double-double animal style, and his brother likes his double-double with no onion, tomato, or spread. I got a cheeseburger animal style, and my wife got a regular cheeseburger plus pickles. It was delicious as usual! 🍔
Well, the weekend is almost here! I hope you have a great Friday.