Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは! Hello, how’s it going?
We’ve been enjoying having the two kittens in our house. So far, they are staying in our “sun room” which is next to our TV room. We are keeping them separated from our dog, Lani, for a while… Lani is so excitable and whines and growls a lot. The kittens were really scared at first, but now are slowly getting used to the dog, although they have only briefly been in the same room together. We’ll give it a couple weeks I think before we introduce them fully. But, they do look at each-other through the French doors.

Cedar Park, 2016
In other news, the rain has been pretty heavy. This morning the kids’ schools were delayed by two hours… of course they were so happy about that. Koa just said to me a few minutes ago that he’s hoping for a short day tomorrow as well. There’s a good chance he will get his wish! ☔
I hope you had a nice Monday, and we’ll see you tomorrow! Meow or Nyan!