こんばんは! How’s it going?
Today’s weather improved a lot! It was sunny, warm, and a wonderful day to be outside! Even though I was working, our new office has plenty of windows so I can enjoy the sunshine, even from indoors. It’s very nice. ☀️
Our office is a bit closer to home, but besides the proximity, I also have the opportunity to take a different route for the commute – one that does not involve the freeway or toll-road. It’s only a minute or two longer, but I can save a lot of money by taking this route. So these past two days I’ve taken this new route, and I think it’s much better. I’m pretty happy about that!
Today’s photo is of the pens that I bought for writing notes on my Instax prints. I love the rainbow of colors, so I took this out-of-focus photo using my X100T. I was actually focusing on a reflection in the pen case, so even though the pens were only about 10 inches from the camera, the focus point was about 3 feet away. Anyways, I liked the blurry photo and enhanced it a bit in Lightroom, bumping up the clarity and contrast, reducing noise, and increasing the whites.
I hope you had a great Tuesday! Tomorrow is Star Wars day. Woohoo!