“Socks n Crocs” Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!Hi, how’s it going today?
This week is the final week of summer vacation for the kids as the school year starts on Monday. It seems like it has come so quickly! To me, it’s been a short summer and the recent rain 🌧 and grey skies here in Texas have changed the tone of August. We are still only in the middle of the month, so I know we have at least a month and a half of hot sun left, but the feeling to me is that summer is over… 😢
Hopefully the rains will end soon and the sun will reappear! I am not an overcast-weather lover… I need the sun and bright days to keep my spirits high. 🌞 I guess I am fortunate to live in a place where we enjoy lots of sun. I could not hear to live in the north. Even the “June gloom” of Southern California was almost too much for me! (I spent the first 26 years of my life in SoCal)
Today’s photo is of Koa, and his regrettable fashion decision. He calls it “socks n crocs” but he doesn’t mind it so much. I don’t either, actually. It’s kind of funny! However, most would say it’s a fashion no-no. 😜
I hope you had a nice Thursday! Can it be almost Friday already? Craziness!