If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’ve been on a fishing kick for the past few days. 🎣 Well, today was no different!
I’ve been doing some research about where to go fishing around my neighborhood, and in a couple of the forums, I’ve come across the term “C&R Pond”. I was wondering, where is the C&R Pond that people seem to be catching fish at? It turns out that C&R means “Catch and Release” and that these ponds are kind of secret locations. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?
I guess that if you find a nice pond, you don’t want to share the location with the world because it might get over-fished, so you keep it to yourself and your fishing buddies.
Today I actually stumbled upon one of these secret spots! There were a couple other anglers there, and they caught a nice bass, so that was super-encouraging! I didn’t catch any bass, but I caught some bluegill which was still fun. I can’t wait to go back to this spot. 😀
I hope you had a nice day!