“On the Road” Cedar Park, 2016
Today was Koa’s final Cross-country Meet of the season and he said he did great in the race. He finished 95th, which doesn’t seem so great, but today’s event was the District Meet so there were 8 schools competing. He was a little sad because he really enjoyed Cross-country, except for the first week since it was difficult to get in running shape.
I hope he wants to run again next year! It’s a good way to exercise, and it’s nice that he is building up some good experiences while running.
I took today’s photo on the way to pick him up from school after the meet. This road is one that I run along a lot, although I haven’t put on my running shoes in months! I should probably hit the pavement again soon.
This evening I started watching Season 1 (2012) of the Japanese dorama, “Doctor-X”. Right now Season 4 is showing and I’ve seen ads for it over the years but never watched any of them. But I did some research and found out that the series has huge ratings! Like over 20% viewership… that is crazy!
I’ve watched the first three episodes, and am getting into it. It’s pretty good, but I don’t think it is spectacular or anything. Still, better than a lot of other dorama so I’ll continue watching… And since there are 3 completed seasons already, there’s plenty to watch.
Have a good evening!