“Floating Burger” Cedar Park, 2016
Hi all!
Tonight I went to see the Texas Stars hockey team play at the nearby arena (only 8 minutes from my house!). I went with a bunch of my work-mates and had a good time, both at the game and before in the parking lot where we had little tailgate party. Good beer, good brats, and good sausage!
I hadn’t been to see the Stars play for a couple of years, and I was wondering if we’d see the remote-controlled Mighty Fine Burger again. So I was happy to see when it flew again last night! It’ a fascinating contraption – it appears to be a very large mylar balloon, with a small mechanical unit on the bottom which has a couple of adjustable propellers.
It floats around over the crowd, dropping coupons down on the spectators. In the photo above, you can see the kids go nuts for it. Lots of fun, and Mighty Fine Burgers is a good burger place, local and delicious.
The hockey actions was good, with the Texas Stars beating the Charlotte Checkers by a score of 6-2. It’s fun to watch minor league sports, which is pretty much what we have in Austin. The Texas Stars are the minor league affiliate of the Dallas Stars, and we also have the Round Rock Express which is affiliated with the Texas Rangers.
Of course, the UT Longhorns are the biggest team in town, but I’ve never been into college sports. After 18 years living in a college town with one of the most famous college teams in the country, surrounded by UT fans, and still not developing even the slightest interest in college sports, I don’t think I am going to change.
However, I really like minor-league sports, especially because you sometimes get to see the future major-league stars, and occasionally a major-leaguer will join the minor-league team for a rehab assignment.

“Texas Hockey” Cedar Park, 2016
Well, I hope you had a great week, and have some fun weekend plans!