“Obstacle Race” Austin, 2016
こんばんは!Hi, how’s it going?
Today was the last Undoukai, or Sports Day, for our kids as they wrap up their Japanese school careers at Austin Japanese School. Bay will be graduating this year, and Koa has decided not to continue. I can’t believe we’ve gone to 11 undoukais, going back to 2006! Time sure flies!
My oldest son and his classmates decided to have some fun this year by holding their arms behind them as they did the obstacle course and the 100 meter dash. It was pretty funny, although one of the kids fell twice. He was okay.

“Stretch” Austin, 2016
Besides the sporting events, we enjoyed a delicious bento lunch 🍱 which I mentioned in my previous post. There was karaage (fried chicken), mini-sausages, onigiri (rice balls), edamame, tomatoes, broccoli, potato salad, and tamagoyaki (scrambled egg). It was delicious!

“Bento” Austin, 2016
I’m going to miss Undoukai, but at the same time, it will be nice to not have to go… it can be a lot of work, especially when we have to help set up the different events. But I am glad we all got to experience an important part of Japanese culture. 🇯🇵 FYI, the White team won this year… 😫
I hope you had a nice weekend! I’ll leave you with some videos I took of today’s events.