“LBJ Library” Austin, 2016
こんばんは!How’s it going?
Today Bay (15) competed in a piano contest at the UT campus. 🎹 It wasn’t like a recital, but basically he performed his piano piece for a judge in one of the classrooms at the music school. We’ll find out the results of the contest later. Last year he didn’t win an award, but received some really good comments and feedback from the judge and Bay’s teacher was happy.
It was kind of neat to visit UT (University of Texas at Austin) since I haven’t been there in a while. I made sure to take my camera, and although we didn’t really wander around campus, I got a couple of shots I am pleased with.
While I was waiting in the hallway of the music building, a nostalgic feeling came over me from being back at a University. The aging interior, cheap bulletin boards with messages to and from students, want ads, and office hour notices were all so familiar and haven’t changed at all since I was a student 30 years ago. It was both comforting and depressing… comforting because the experiences that today’s kids are having are similar to what my generation experienced, but sad because the facilities have not kept up with the times. Adding to that second point, I could see network cables and routers strung haphazardly from the ceilings… tuition is so expensive, but the facilities are really kind of crappy. At least from what I saw at UT today. 😔

“Under the Building” Austin, 2016
Anyways, after the contest, I treated Bay to an ice cream at Amy’s to reward him for his hard work. 😄🍨 I’m very proud of him.
I hope you had a nice Saturday!