“Early Voter” Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!How’s it going?
Today in Texas was the start of early voting for the general election so I went to my local voting location to cast my vote(s). I didn’t know how many people would also be voting early, but when I got to the library there was a pretty substantial line of people. I didn’t have to wait too long, though… maybe 20 minutes, and then the actual voting went pretty quickly. I guess if you vote early, your mind is pretty much made up, isn’t it? So I imagine everyone today just wanted to get it done quickly.
I’m not passionate about politics, but I do believe that voting is something that we need to do as citizens. We shouldn’t take our freedoms for granted, and voting is the simplest way to contribute to our democracy. Even if you live in a state which is always strongly red or blue, you still should vote! 🇺🇸
I won’t say which candidate I cast my vote for, but I’ll just mention a few issues that I care about:
- Separation of church and state
- Freedom of speech
- Rational, thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate, fact-based decision-making
Whatever you think is important, if you want to express yourself as an American, you should go cast your vote for the candidate who best represents your ideals.
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