“Shoelace Tying” Austin, 2017
こんばんは。How are you this evening?
Tonight’s photo is of my current pair of Converse. I previously posted about how I’ve had at least one pair of Chuck Taylors in my closet throughout my life, but I want to also share a silly tradition that I’ve had with my shoes for as long as I can remember.
When I get new shoes, I always re-lace one of the shoes so that they mismatch at that first pair of eyelets. Look in the photo to see what I mean. I don’t know why I started doing it that way, nor do I have a preference as to which shoe will have the front laces on the outside, but it’s something that I am compelled to do. It doesn’t make sense, and there’s no good reason I can think of why I do this. My best guess there is some personality flaw that is manifesting itself in my shoelaces. Who knows? 😜
I hope you had a nice Friday!