“Eye Check” Cedar Park, 2017
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Today was my work at home day, but I’ve been working from home this week during the afternoons since it’s Spring Break and the kids are home alone. Mariko is putting in some long hours down at SXSW so I am cooking meals for the kids (and myself). It’s a change, but we’re surviving, although not eating as healthy.
Eye Doctor
This afternoon I took Bay to get his eye check-up at the eye doctor. 👀 He’s been wanting to get contacts for a while now, so today he got a week’s supply of contacts, and he got trained on how to put them in and take them out.
Our eye doctor is great, and the contact lens technician was also nice and answered all of our questions about monthly vs daily contacts, maintenance, etc. Very helpful!
We also got a new pair of glasses 👓 (with updated prescription) so Bay will be set even if he doesn’t go for the contact lenses. But I am pretty sure he will decide to get them! Also, since he is leaning towards the daily contacts, he can wear glasses some days, and contacts other days, or even just at school.
Anyways, the doctor visit lasted a lot longer than I thought it would, and then I had to stop by the market to get food and then prepare it, so I didn’t get to finish up all my work until the evening. Luckily there were not urgent items, so it’s all good! 😄
I hope you had a nice Wednesday!