“Hawaiian Dinner” Cedar Park, 2017
こんばんは。How’s it going? Have a nice Thursday? Mine was non-stop busy at work. It’s good work, though, and I really enjoy what I do. Every day is a challenge but I’m satisfied with the project that I get to take part in. I’m grateful for that!
Lau lau
Tonight’s photo is of a Hawaiian dinner that we enjoyed at home. Packed away in our freezer was a package of lau lau that my parents had brought back from Maui on one of their trips back to the islands. 🌴 It’s pork and chicken 🐷🐔 wrapped in taro leaves, although sometimes spinach is substituted. I think this was the real deal though.
When I was growing up, my grandparents would visit us twice a year from Maui, and packed in their huge boxes were the fixings for a huge Hawaiian feast. So, I’ve been eating lau lau for most of my life… it’s really a comfort food! As a kid, I didn’t really like lau lau I admit… but now I love it! Lau lau and rice is so good. 😄🍴
Concert night
This evening, Koa had a concert at the nearby high school. 🎼 His middle school band is pretty amazing! Koa’s a percussionist and tonight he played the marimba using 4 mallets at a time. It was so cool, and I am so proud of him! He works very hard at percussion and it pays off big time. In the photo below, Koa is on the far right.

“Concert Time” Cedar Park, 2017
I hope you have a good evening!