“Packing Sketch” Cedar Park, 2017Oac
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Today I made a pen and ink sketch of some of the main travel items I took on our trip to Morocco and Spain, I was inspired to do this after watching this video from an artist that I have been following on Youtube.
I think it turned out ok, but there are a few things I would change. For instance, I would sketch the items smaller, so I could fit more on the page. Also, I forgot a bunch of things that I should have included, for instance, my Kindle, headphones, notebook & pencil, and maybe my clothes. And the passport didn’t need that yellow part. 😅
Teoh Yi Chie’s packing lists are so cool, I want to create more packing lists, or even a “what’s in my bag” sketch. So fun!
Today I bought a few more art supplies, including two more watercolor tubes, a #8 brush, 3B pencil, and Micron pen. I still need to figure out how to create a nice grey color using the paints that I have… I don’t want to resort to using the pre-made grey or black paints… so I guess more testing and research is needed.
Well, I hope you had a nice weekend!
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