Hello! I worked on the drawing that I blogged about the other night. The first photo is the one from last night.
In the second photo, I worked on the eyebrows and mouth a little bit.
The third photo is the final version of the sketch, adjusted digitally to what I think looks good. As is my pattern, the eyes were moved closer together, and the nose and mouth moved up. I also adjusted the position and angle of the eyebrows.
Now that it is clearer which adjustments I always seem to make on the computer, maybe I can create the original sketch with those adjustments in mind, and draw the eyes closer together, not put the nose and mouth so low, and also pay more attention to the eyebrows.
We’ll see! It’s like teaching an old dog new tricks I guess. Woof! 🐶
To see all the sketches I’ve been working on, you can check out the Flickr album “My Sketching Journey”, or my Instagram account barron.sketches which I created just for posting sketches, watercolors, and stationery items.