“Gyudon” Cedar Park, 2017
こんばんは。How’s it going?
This evening I spent a few hours fixing my motorcycle blog. Apparently, it got hacked and there were a ton of spam links inserted into all the posts. And some of the posts got combined… I’m not sure how it happened, but I noticed that I had disabled my security plugin so that probably contributed to the problem.
I found there were three suspicious users named “Admin” also, so I removed those, ran a security scan, changed my password, and then got to hand-cleaning the posts. I think it’s all okay now!
Tonight’s first photo above is of dinner. Mariko made a gyudon (beef over rice) which was so yummy! I could eat this every single day. That white blob on top is an egg, but it was a bit over-done. Still delicious!
The second photo (below) doesn’t need any explanation. 🐱

“Contact” Cedar Park, 2017
I hope you had a nice Tuesday!