Half-day Father’s Day

"Music Hall" Waco, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/80 sec, ISO3200
“Music Hall” Waco, 2018

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Today I dropped Koa off at Baylor so he could start his week-long band camp. It’s about an hour and a half drive from our house to Waco and the music school there on campus. After a quick registration, it was time for Koa’s placement audition. He didn’t think he did very well, but it turns out that he made First Band! Way to go, Koa!

After auditioning, I helped Koa get set up in his dorm room, which mostly involved putting sheets and bedding together. Koa seemed pretty happy and said I could leave… it was a sad farewell for me because I would be going home to an empty house on Father’s Day, but I could tell Koa wanted me out of there so he could have fun with his friends who were arriving at the dorm. 😫

Out in California, Bay was also checking in to his summer program at USC. My brother’s family and my mom helped him get set up on campus and from the few messages I received from Bay, everything seemed great. I’m excited to learn how his architecture classes are – I hope they are interesting and valuable to Bay!

So now it’s late and I need to rest up for a busy week at work. Yay!

And I just realized that this is the first time that the four of us (Mariko, Bay, Koa, and I) have spent the night all apart! Exciting and sad at the same time. But before I think about it too much, it’s time for bed.


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