“School” Cedar Park, 2018
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Today we made a couple updates to our pet life. First, I bought three green tiger barbs and two albino tiger barbs to add to our three regular tiger barbs. With these aggressive fish, you need to keep at least five or so since one of the fish will become a bully and chase the others. If there are only a couple fish, the ones being chased get too tired, so it’s best spread out the chasing amongst several fish. Anyway, the green and albino barbs look really pretty, and I think everyone is getting along much better! 😀

“Kitty Apartment” Cedar Park, 2018
The next update was that we bought a large cat tree for our kitties! It’s pretty great and the cats love it. We’re happy that Anko, who is the less-athletic of the two is comfortable climbing up to the top perch. They seem to enjoy it!

”Cat Tree” Cedar Park, 2018
I hope you had a nice day.