“Sailor Moon S: The Movie” Austin, 2018
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Tonight Mikey and I went to see a special screening “Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie” at the theater. Last week we saw the first and second Sailor Moon movies, which were really fun, so I was looking forward to this third one.
The story was pretty good, roughly following the story of The Pied Piper, in which sleeping kids are lured by the flute song of a stranger and kidnapped. As it turns out, Chibisua is taken with the rest of the kids, so it’s up to Sailor Moon and the rest of the gang, including the Sailor Moon Outer Senshi Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Uranus. I think that was my favorite part, seeing those three appear, and hearing Sailor Pluto use her “Dead Scream” attack. Very cool!
I would say that I liked this movie even more than its predecessors. It had a ton of action, funny scenes, and interesting villains. Plus the “dream coffins” were super creepy. 😱 Highly recommended movie, especially for anime fans!
I hope you had a great day!