こんばんは。How’s it going? Today Bay and I went to IKEA to do a little shopping, mainly for a light for his room, but also I wanted to find a clipboard for drawing. We found a nice light for him, but I didn’t find a clipboard, however, I did find this wooden hand which, although labeled as decorative, is realistic enough and poseable so I should be able to use it to practice drawing. Comparing it to my own hand, I can see that the wooden one lacks some the main curvature where the palm meets the bottom of the fingers but I think it’s close enough. At any rate, it’s pretty cool to look at!
Later on, I did a quick sketch and refilled the ink in a couple of my fountain pens. It’s fun to be semi-creative, even if they are just quick sketches and scribbles. I really enjoy it, and it’s so liberating for me not to always be pursuing perfection.
I hope you had a wonderful Saturday!