“Drawing Tool” Cedar Park, 2019
こんばんは。How’s it going?
My daily drawings have shifted over to about 90% digital with Procreate and 10% on paper in the 2 weeks that I’ve had my iPad. I guess that’s to be expected with a new drawing tool. It’s so fun to see what is possible using Procreate, but even though it is a different way to sketch, I still find myself on the same path of learning, and right now I am concentrating on line-drawing. I make progress little by little each time which is really encouraging, and using the iPad has sped up the process. Just the convenience of undo and multiple undo is game-changing – it’s like having a magical eraser. I love it.
I can see farther down the path of my learning journey now, which was kind of muddled before. It’s becoming clearer that I need to keep practicing line drawings (still a ways to go), and start expanding from just faces to more poses, and then maybe larger compositions, and finally, work on color. Not sure if color will work its way into the process earlier or not, but I am thinking it won’t be detrimental to dabble in it. At any rate, it’s exciting to think about all the things that can be created while learning, and that is good motivation to keep going.
I have some thoughts forming about digital vs analog art, and it kind of interconnects with decluttering, but I’m not quite there yet to put it down on “paper”.
In the meantime, here’s my latest practice sketch, and the timelapse drawing process. For the hand, I looked at a reference photo, but I didn’t like how it was turning out so I traced the photo. But looking back at the timelapse video, I think the non-traced version would have been fine.
I’ll keep this drawing as-is and move on to a new one, but in the future, I’ll probably come back to it to work on color.
I hope you had a nice day!