“Mosquito Defense Pig” Cedar Park, 2019
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Our family’s mosquito defenses consist of an ultraviolet fan-trap, an annual yard spray, mini-fumigation spray, and old-school mosquito coil incense. For the incense, we have this cool ceramic pig. 🐷 I love the smell of the incense! It smells like a Japanese summer. 😄🎐
When I am working in the garage, I’ll bring the pig with me and let it clear the area of mosquitos. I think it does a great job in there, and I haven’t been bitten in the garage when I use the pig. However, on the backyard deck, I still get bitten. I guess it has to do with the more open area. Oh well, our mosquito bite remedy, Zap-it!, took care of the itchiness.

“Mosquito Defense Coil” Cedar Park, 2019
I hope you had a nice day!