“Watching the Bands” Cedar Park, 2019
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Today, Koa’s high school marching band was supposed to perform in San Antonio in a Super-Regional competition. Unfortunately, there was a snafu with the buses, and only 4 of the 6 buses showed up to take them to San Antonio (a 1.5 hour trip). So, Koa and a few of his band friends came over to watch the other marching bands on the streaming service. They had a good time, but of course would have preferred to perform.
But, they have been reschedule to perform at 9:30 am Saturday morning, which means a call-time of 4:15 am at the high school before taking regular school buses down to the Alamodome. It’s not an ideal situation, but they gotta roll with the punches! I was always wondering what would happen if there was a break-down or accident. I guess it’s always play-it-by-ear. 😆
I hope you had a better Friday than they did!
It’s good that the performance was rescheduled, and they still get a chance to play.