“Desk Setup” Cedar Park, 2020
One of my “stay-at-home” routines is converting between my home desk and work desk. It’s actually the same table, but at then end of every work day, I shut down my work laptop, put it in the cabinet, as well as the keyboard, mouse, and headset. It would be easy to just keep everything out, but I really enjoy going through the ritual of switching from work mode to home mode.
The photo above is my home mode (with margarita, even!), and the photo below is my work mode, with laptop, keyboard, and wired mouse. During work hours, I have both my home computer and work laptop hooked up to the monitor, and can toggle between the two, but I find it easier to use Chrome Remote Desktop to access the home computer from the laptop. It’s a nice setup!
“Ready for Work” Cedar Park, 2020
I’d really like to get the cables behind the monitor hidden away, but I’m going to wait a week because… I ordered a new monitor! It’s larger, with higher resolution, and better color rendition. I’m super excited because I haven’t had a new monitor in a long time, and the higher-quality is warranted since I am a graphic designer and also an amateur photographer. But I’m also kind of a cheapskate, which is why I have held onto my inexpensive 1080p monitor for so long. 😄
I hope you had a good day!