Working from home for the past two months hasn’t been too bad, but it seems like I live in two worlds now. There’s the stay-at-home mentality, in which life outside the door is filled with sickness, and we do most of our activities online. But when I venture out to pick up food, life seems like normal. The automobile traffic outside my neighborhood seems at pre-COVID-19 levels. Last weekend I visited the UPS store to drop off some returns, and although there were social distancing guides on the ground and signs on the tables, only one worker was wearing a mask. Outside the store, I saw people in swimsuits on their way to the lake, not wearing masks. It was concerning.
At the post office, however, everyone was wearing a mask and there was hand sanitizer for you to use. So, it’s not consistent. I’m erring on the side of caution, however, and wearing a mask. When I run, I have a mask in my running belt in case I need it, but I’m usually on the other side of the street of anyone I encounter. Earlier in the week, we had someone come to the house to service our air-conditioner, and I gave him a mask to wear. He said that some people prefer not to wear them, which I thought was not good. He was fine with wearing one though. But he sees so many strangers every day, I would think he’d want to wear his whenever he is in someone’s house.
I rescheduled my dental cleaning for two months out. I know they are taking precautions, and I want to support them, but if I can wait a bit, I will. I don’t know. It’s still a weird time, when people are relaxing their vigilance. I guess we’ll just have to give it more time and see how things progress. And try to keep it together!
It boggles my mind that people do not wear face masks when they’re out and susceptible to encountering others. Just because lock-down restrictions have loosened, that doesn’t mean the pandemic is over; you can still get sick! Hope you’re staying healthy!