“Little Free Library” Cedar Park, 2020
This evening I hopped on my bicycle and went for a spin around my neighborhood. For the last week, the city police placed a radar-speedometer contraption on one of the streets (the kind that tells drivers how fast they are going) and Koa said he was clocked doing 19 mph on they bike, so I had to see how fast I could go as well. I made it up to 22 MPH! It helps that it’s on a bit of a downhill. 😀
After that little bit of exertion, I rode leisurely down to the neighborhood Little Free Library to peruse the selection, but nothing looked interesting, so I headed on. I should make a donation to the library sometime, though! Right now, my paper-book collection is pretty minimal as I sold most of the books last year. But I’ll keep it in the back of my mind as I finish up the rest of my paper-based books.
I hope you had a good day!