Here are a few photos from today’s run around the neighborhood.

“Garden” Cedar Park, 2020
The garden at one of the elementary schools looks like it hasn’t been tended to during this year, which is understandable because of the pandemic.

“Signage” Cedar Park, 2020
It’s almost election day, and I think I will miss the yard signs after this is all over. I liked the “I’m so gonna vote” sign!

“Hawai’i” Cedar Park, 2020
I like how they put Hawai’i very distant from the mainland.

“Shoes” Cedar Park, 2020
My shoes are nearing 500 km, and I got an alert that I should consider replacing them. I love my On Cloud shoes, and will purchase another pair when the time comes. By the way, this run completed the REI x On 10K Challenge on Strava. I’m supposed to receive a coupon in my inbox… maybe I can use it on some new running gear? We’ll see!