Fountain Pen Lineup

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/35 sec, ISO800
“Ink Change” Cedar Park, 2020

Today I changed up the lineup of my fountain pens a bit. I still love my Lamy Safari with broad nib, but have been enjoying the Pilot F nib more lately. Although I have several cheap Jinhao pens, only the Lamy and my Pilots have ink in them now, so maybe it’s time to pare down the collection and give the Jinhaos away.

Here’s my current lineup:

Although I have 4 colors, I like to limit a page to just 2 or 3 if I can. Any of them work well as a 3-color set, but 4 on a page will reveal a clashing pair, in my eyes. It may seem like a silly thing to mention, but I think it’s fun to think about these little things!

I hope you had a great day. またね~

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