It has been raining a lot the past couple of days, but today the storm paused for a few hours in the afternoon and I went out for a nice bicycle ride on Mango, my 2000 Kona Blast. It’s over 20 years old but it feels so modern as compared to my early 70s Peugeot that I am restoring.
It seems like I haven’t ridden the bicycle for a long time and I was worried that my legs would get tired soon, but I had plenty of energy and was able to power up the small hill near our house in a higher gear without much problem. I was also concerned that my neck would be sore because it has been bothering me for the previous week. I’m happy to say that I didn’t feel any discomfort in my neck. 😀
Also, I bought some new cycling gloves and they felt great! They are a vintage-style mesh fabric and leather style, and I bought them because this is the type of glove I wore when I rode my Peugeot bicycle from San Francisco to Los Angeles back in the 80s. These new ones have some padding which my old ones lacked so these are a lot more comfortable. In fact, I didn’t even notice them once while riding today which I suppose is a good thing.
Please enjoy the GoPro video I made of my bicycle ride if you have a few minutes. Have a great day!