“Waiting for Mercury and Venus” Cedar Park, 2021
I originally intended to just ride my bicycle down to my sunset spot for a photo and then back home, but it was such a pleasant evening that I rode on past my house and kept going towards the library, and what would have been a 2 km ride turned into an 11 km evening cruise around the neighborhood.

“Twilight Panorama” Cedar Park, 2021
My first stop was at my go-to sunset location (see top photo), where I chatted with a man who was settled in to try to see the Mercury-Venus Conjunction. The clouds were not cooperating, but at least he got to enjoy the cool evening and brilliant colors of the sunset.

“Colors over In-N-Out” Cedar Park, 2021
After that I cruised around by our city library area and took a few more sunset photos and then on one bit of trail, I noticed there were fireflies blinking all around. It was so cool! I tried to video the fireflies with my phone, but it really doesn’t capture the magic.
I’m so glad I decided to go for the longer ride this evening. There were lots of neat things to see. ☺