Tonight I watched Zhu Bajie: The Spring Years / 春光灿烂猪八戒 which tells the story of two legendary Chinese characters and their doomed romance. It sounds like a downer, but it’s more of a comedy with supernatural elements and a good amount of fighting.
The photo above shows Qiru Yang 杨祺如 as the dragon maiden about to kick some butt with her ice sword, while the photo below shows Wei Xiaoxuan 魏晓璇 as a cat demon about to do the same using her supernatural powers. I guess it’s a popular pose to strike in front of curtains. 😄
I enjoyed the film and was surprised that the ending turned into a bit of a tear-jerker! This movie is actually the latest big-screen version of a popular television show in China that has been running since 2000, and features the on-screen reunion of two previous cast members. Amazing!
I hope you had a good day. またね~