I went for a bicycle ride with Rossa this evening and, as usual, had my GoPro recording so I could make a YouTube video. I was stoked because there were so many birds singing on the ride, and there was a beautiful deer in the middle of the road as I a rode by. It was so cool!
But unfortunately, my GoPro had shut off long before and there was no footage. My first thought that it overheated, but it’s never done that after only 10 minutes of recording, and plus the settings I was using weren’t anything more demanding on the processor than normal. Also, in the times when it overheats, it will beep as a warning before shutting down. This time, I didn’t hear any beeps. I can only guess that the GoPro just glitched and shut off.
Anyways, extreme disappointment! But it was still nice to get out and ride. Two wheeled travel is the best. 😀