Here Comes the Ice

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 35mm, f/2.5, 1/600 sec, ISO320
“Icicles” Cedar Park, 2023

Well, the icy weather has come to Austin! Schools are closed and the city is urging people to stay off the roads. All the trees in the neighborhood are straining under the weight of the frozen stuff, and many branches have already broken and are lying on the ground. So far we’ve been fortunate to only have a couple of small branches come down in your yard.

Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come, so we’re expecting more damage overnight… We’re crossing our fingers that it’s not too bad!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 35mm, f/6.4, 1/105 sec, ISO1000
“Icy Trees” Cedar Park, 2023

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