“Fritters” Port Antonio, 2023
We started the day off with another yummy meal of fritters, fresh fruit, eggs, ham, etc. The Julie Mangos are so good. Definitely my favorite.
After that we went into town (Port Antonio) and our cousin gave us a tour of the local landmarks, especially where it related to our family. We got to see old houses, old shops, schools, and then toured my cousin’s bakery.
In the evening, we did a bit of shopping at the grocery store for some goodies to bring back home. A nice way to finish up our trip to Jamaica. We fly home tomorrow, so I’m a bit sad… It was such a fun trip!

“Fruit” Port Antonio, 2023

“Clouds on Water” Port Antonio, 2023

“Trident Castle” Jamaica, 2023

“Town” Port Antonio, 2023

“Town” Port Antonio, 2023

“Corned Beef Wall” Jamaica, 2023

“Sunset” Jamaica, 2023
Fritters and fruit? Sounds like the perfect last day in Jamaica!