What I Wanted to be When I Grew Up

Futures Past – As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? How close or far are you from that vision?

My earliest memory of what I wanted to be when I grew up isn’t really a memory, but something I wrote down in my “My Book About Me” that I (and my Mom) worked on when I was probably about seven years old. I wrote that I wanted to be a Football Player, but I had first written down Astronaut first before crossing that out.

As an older kid (when I was in High School), I started getting into art and design and decided I wanted to go into a field related to that. I remember meeting my guidance counselor and we decided that I should apply to colleges that had good art departments. Then in art school at the university I decided I wanted to work in a museum as a curator. I eventually got a degree in Studio Art (painting) and a minor in Art History, but I really am not into Fine Art. Funny huh? I did work at a museum for a while, as a “Preparator” doing stuff like moving paintings in and out of storage, dusting the sculptures, and getting the galleries ready for opening. I got exposed to that culture, but found out that it really wasn’t for me.

Fast-forward a bit (a lot!) through a few jobs which involved computers, and I was finding myself applying my design/art skills to multimedia presentations and learning and teaching Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. Now I am a full-time designer, working with web and print. So I guess I have kept the path I wanted to keep since High School, and I am pretty happy about that.

This post was prompted by The Daily Post from WordPress.

First Sight (Love at)

Print Club circa 1996
Print Club circa 1996

First Sight – Whether a person, a pet, an object, or a place, write about something or someone you connected with from the very first second.

This is an easy one! The person I connected with from the very first second is my wife, Mariko. We met in 1996 in Japan and within 2 months we were married and on our honeymoon. It really was love at first sight! After 17 years we are still going strong and I am looking forward to our future. There’s a lot more to the story, but I will save that for another time.

This post was prompted by The Daily Post from WordPress.

Diverse Family

Modern Families – If one of your late ancestors were to come back from the dead and join you for dinner, what things about your family would this person find the most shocking?

For me, this is a difficult question to answer. I imagined us sitting around the dinner table, and my first thought would be that he/she would be surprised that our family is mixed from several different races and nationalities. But then it got me thinking that no, there’s probably a good chance that one of my ancestors would not think that is shocking. One thing about my family is that so many of us have moved around the world and/or married outside our races/nationalities. We really are a diverse family (and I think it’s wonderful)! I have to believe that this is in our blood. I know (from Facebook) that a lot of my high school friends still live in our hometown and are quite content there. But of my immediate family, none of us live in the same town we grew up in. My father was born and raised in Hawai’i, and my mom was born and raised in Jamaica. They raised my brothers and I in Torrance, California but only my parents still live there.

My grandparents also are travelers. They ended up living in countries that are different from where they were born. How far back this goes, I don’t know but I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes back many generations. But perhaps this is common? I’m not sure, but I do know that for myself I can’t imagine not wanting to live in different places during my life. In fact, I am looking forward to moving again when the kids are on their own!

This post was prompted by The Daily Post from WordPress.

Nightly Reading

Just Another Day − Our days our organized around numerous small actions we repeat over and over. What’s your favorite daily ritual?

My favorite daily ritual is actually a nightly ritual: reading in bed. Usually this ritual of nightly reading lasts about five minutes because once I lie down with my head on the pillow I am pretty much history. Even if the book is an exciting thriller, or if I am close to the end, I just cannot keep my eyes open. If I read a paragraph, then don’t remember what I just read, that means I will be asleep in a few seconds. If I drop the book on my face, I’d give myself about 20 seconds. I’m lucky if I can “get it together” and place my bookmark in the book!

However, last night (this morning) I was up until 1:30am reading Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami. It was fascinating and engrossing. I was truly amazed that I was not getting drowsy and by 1:00am I was nearing the end of the story. I was in the home-stretch! Then all of a sudden, my eyelids got heavy, and I had trouble remembering what I had just read. I quickly decided to not try to power through it; it would be better if I saved the ending of this wonderful book til another time when I could fully concentrate. I felt like I owed the author that much. So, I am really looking forward to tonight’s “nightly ritual” and finishing Sputnik Sweetheart.

This post was prompted by The Daily Post from WordPress.