Suzu Hirose 広瀬すず is so Popular

"Crocs Giveaway"
“Crocs Giveaway”

One of my favorite Japanese actress is Hirose Suzu 広瀬すず and she has gotten very popular these days, appearing in many acting roles. I mentioned that she is starring in the current asadora Natsuzora なつぞら, but the Chihayafuru series of movies are also popular and good, and I thought she was great in Anone あのね and Your Lie in April 四月は君の嘘.

Tonight she was on LINE Live, which is a livestream on the LINE platform. This “volume” was about her sponsorship for Crocs, and one of the fun things was that she was giving away was a pair of signed sandals. To enter, you just need to comment on the livestream, so of course I did post a “Hello from Texas!”. But I still haven’t heard back with the notification that I won… 😆

I hope you had a nice day!


What D&D Alignment are You?

I used to play Dungeons & Dragons when I was a kid, and have been interested in it (the Fantasy genre) ever since. So I thought it would be fun to answer the questions in the online alignment chooser tool to see where I fell on the spectrum. You have to roleplay a bit in answering the questions, but it was kind of fun and the resulting alignment was actually the one I thought I was. Neutral Good. It’s what most of my characters were in the game too!

Why don’t you give the alignment tool a try too?

Online Alignment Test at Wizards of the Coast

I hope you had a good day!



"In the Chair" Austin, 2018
Photo info: motorola moto g(6), 3.95mm, f/1.8, 1/30 sec, ISO246
“In the Chair” Austin, 2018

こなばんは。How’s it going?

Today I went for a haircut (to get cleaned up for the holidays) and I was thinking about how little thought I put into my hair and how rarely I get it cut… I probably wait 2-3 months between cuts which is way too long. I mean, my sideburns start getting weird and unruly and then I still put off going for a haircut for 2 more weeks.

But I really should go more often especially because I found a great hairstylist who is close by and it is very convenient to reserve time online. In fact, it’s probably the easiest now than it’s ever been in my life, so why shouldn’t I go more often?

As I was thinking about this, I tried to recall where I used to get my haircut during the different phases of my life, and there are some huge gaps where I just can’t remember what I used to do. For instance, I lived in Japan for almost 3 years but I only remember getting my haircut once… And where did I get my haircuts when I was in college? When I lived in West Los Angeles, I can only remember a single time when I got a haircut. Very strange.

"New Cut" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: motorola moto g(6), 3.95mm, f/1.8, 1/15 sec, ISO1312
“New Cut” Cedar Park, 2018

I hope you had a nice Sunday!
