Do you know this thing when you buy a new fancy sketchbook and you only want to fill it with really good things so you're scared to spoil it by drawing horrible failed doodles on the first page so it's empty forever?
no? just me? okay
— Momo (@momodraws) December 11, 2018
Category: lolwut?
— にやにや止まらない!【動物動画】 (@niyaniya_doubut) November 12, 2017
Wisdom from the Twitterverse
I’m going to lay some sage wisdom on y’all. If someone likes something but you think it’s dumb? Shut up and just let them enjoy the thing.
— L Writes Pretty Words 💻 (@That60sChick) November 23, 2018
Rachel and Jun’s Cat, Poki
I used to think our cat, Yuzu, was a handful. But after watching Poki, I think our kitties are angels! (but Poki is still fun to watch) 😹