“Fuchico Burger” Cedar Park, 2018
She’s back! (Get off my burger, will ya?) 😝
daily slice-of-life photo blog of a Gen-X dad
I saw this “trailer” in the theater the other day. So good. “Nacho cheese?”
Burger King is not my burger of choice, but I gotta hand it to them for creating some eye-opening commercials.
I always panic a little bit when I am on my phone, typing out a comment such as, “I love this photo!” or “I love that restaurant!”, and auto-correct adds the word “you” after “I love”. No no no no no!
So, Wreck it Ralph 2 is coming out? That means I need to see the original, huh? And Fantastic Beasts 2? Okay, I need to get busy watching the first one! 😆
Plus my brother says that Ex Machina was good so I should add that to the list… need more time. ⏳