Imagining landscapes

I suppose this only happens to people who have moved away from the place they grew up in, but it happens to me a lot – imagining landscapes.

I grew up in Los Angeles, and if you aren’t familiar with the area, there are mountains in the distance that you can see on clear days. Now I live in central Texas, and it is flat here – no mountains at all.

But some days, there might be a layer of cloud-cover in the distance and for a few seconds, my brain registers them as the San Bernardino mountains, and a strange confusion washes over me. Combining two locations into one. It’s disorienting but fun.

I wonder how many people also experience something like this.


"Ognoes" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.5, 1/60 sec, ISO5000
“Ognoes” Cedar Park, 2017

Hi everyone. Despite the shocking expression in today’s photo, which somewhat describes my mood, I will try to keep a positive mindset! 😄

At the very least, I am enjoying the mis-tweets on my Twitter feed, @barron. 🐦

I hope you had a nice Friday, and let’s have a great weekend.


Turning off lights

Are you the person who leaves the lights on? Not me. It seems like I am constantly turning off the lights here at home. I don’t know where this post is going or the point of it all, but whatever! Enjoy this random photo of a canned coffee ad featuring Tommy Lee Jones that I took in 2011, won’t you?

"Boss" Shirahama, 2011
Photo info: Panasonic DMC-TS2, 4.9mm, f/3.3, 1/30 sec, ISO250
“Boss” Shirahama, 2011

I hope you have nice Sunday! 😜