Slow Saturday

"REI Marker" Austin, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4.5, 1/160 sec, ISO200
“REI Marker” Austin, 2016

こんばんは!How’s it going? Did you have a nice Saturday?

Mine was pretty slow and relaxing. I spent the morning downtown drinking coffee and catching up on some YouTube videos and blogs and just generally relaxing.

I also took several photos of random things, one of which is above. Outside the door of the downtown Austin REI, there is a marker in the sidewalk that notes the date and elevation. I thought it was pretty cool. Reminds me of the USGS markers at the National Parks, which I’m guessing was the intention.

This afternoon I finished watching the Japanese dorama “Ie Uru Onna” which stars my favorite Japanese actress, Kitagawa Keiko. I was a bit disappointed that the final episodes didn’t really develop her character further. She was pretty much the same person from the first episode all the way til the finale. And she never once smiled! 😞


But I still enjoyed the dorama and laughed quite a bit. I’d give this one a 7 out of 10 rating.

Continuing on my Kitagawa viewing odyssey, I am now watching an older dorama called “Tantei no Tantei” or Detectives vs Detectives. I’ve only watched the first episode of this mystery/thriller but it’s riveting! So far so good as far as the story goes, but Kitagawa’s character is again quite serious and somber. Will she ever smile? We’ll see! 😆


Anyways, let’s have a nice Sunday!


– B Barron Fujimoto

Ie Uru Onna Afternoon

"Dorama Afternoon" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/280 sec, ISO400
“Dorama Afternoon” Cedar Park, 2016


Today I relaxed at home and recovered from last night’s activites (drinking). While my wife and oldest son were out watching a Star Trek matinee, and my youngest son was at the mall with friends, I put on a Japanese dorama that I have been looking forward to.

“Ie Uru Onna” (家売るオンナ; Woman who sells houses) stars one of my favorite actresses, Kitagawa Keiko (北川景子), as the mysterious real estate agent who can sell any house. It’s kind of a typical dorama in which each episode is a small story into itself (usually about how she solves a home selling challenge), but then there is an overall story arc that is about how she transforms the team she works with.

The most interesting part of the story is finding out why she acts in the cold manner that she does, never smiling, and only focused on her work. Although brilliant at her job, she is totally inept in her social life. So it will be interesting to see if she can solve her own personal challenges.

I’ve finished episode 7 (out of 10) and am enjoying it so far! I think Kitagawa Keiko is great, but it’s so weird to see her in a role where she scowls 100% of the time. It’s kind of a one-dimensional character which is a shame because she is a pretty great actor. I thought her performance in I Just Wanna Hug You was fantastic.

The photo above is of my Chromebook, connected via Chrome Remote to my Windows10 computer in the office, which is casting the video to the Chromecast that is connected to the TV. It’s a strange way to do it, but it works and is so convenient!

Well, I hope you had a nice Saturday… and let’s have a nice rest of the weekend!


– B Barron Fujimoto

Umimachi Diary 海街diary (Our Little Sister) (2015) – Movie Review


I finally watched Umimachi Diary today, and loved it! It’s a simple story filled with some touching moments and beautiful scenery – it takes place in Kamakura, which is one of my favorite places… of course it is by the sea. 🌊 (Umimachi means seaside town) I wouldn’t mind living in a small town in Japan… in fact I am hoping Mariko finds a nice place for us to live like that in the future. The four main characters live in the family house, which is old but very nice… I think Mariko is looking for something like that too for our future home! 😇


Anyways, this Umimachi Diary is a slow, heartfelt, and realistic movie – you won’t find any action or suspense here. But if you are in the mood for a well-acted, beautifully filmed movie, I can recommend this one. Please enjoy the trailer below:

Official site

Omukae Death お迎えデス (2016) – Dorama Review


Omukae Death お迎えデス is a live-action dorama (Japanese TV drama) based on a manga of the same name, and has an interesting premise: after someone dies, they become ghosts and exist for up to 49 days in the real world before being escorted by “grim reapers” to the after-world. If they aren’t escorted within those 49 days, they become evil spirits and are eliminated, never to be reborn again.

Assisting the grim reapers (who aren’t really grim at all) are people who can see and communicate with ghosts. The two main characters, Madoka (played by Sōta Fukushi)and Sachi (played by Tao Tsuchiya) are two such people, and their job is to help the ghosts remove any regrets they have before they go to the after-world. In this way, the ghosts can rest in peace. So, the plot revolves around Madoka and Sachi helping the ghosts come to resolution so they can move on to the after-world.

Omukae Death has a total of nine episodes, and each one is kind of a story unto itself with guest actors in prominent roles. There is a larger story arc that concludes in episode 9. Some of the stand-alone stories are really good and tug on the heartstrings (they’re stories about people who died, after all!) so I was expecting the larger story to also have a nice emotional element. Unfortunately, it isn’t as strong as it could be. 😞 I think there was just too much going on with a few stories coming together, and it was hard for me to form a bond with a single one since my attention was divided. As is so often the case in Japanese dorama, there isn’t a single strong focus.


One thing that I like about Omukae Death was that not all of the shorter stories have tidy, happy conclusions. For instance, there is an episode in which a high school teacher, with the help of the Madoka and Sachi, looks after her former student to make sure his life gets back on track. Even though he eventually shapes up and decides to go to university, the teacher waits too long to go to the after-world and her transformation into an evil spirit is irreversible. The ending scene of that story is probably the most emotional of the entire series.

Omukae Death


A funny thing I noticed was that throughout the entire series, Sachi always wore shorts. I thought it looked a little funny in the first episode, but then in all subsequent episodes, she also wears shorts! ❓ In fact, I started to keep a lookout to see if any other characters had the same fashion, but nope! I guess one of the brand sponsors is pushing their summer fashion line. Once or twice during each episode of Japanese doramas, there is a short ~15 second brand sponsor “break” where a voice-over announces the sponsors. The first time you see this, it’s really odd, but you quickly get used to them. Also, during the end credits, there is a list of brands that sponsor the show. I guess if I were more familiar with women’s fashion, I would be able to pick out the brand of shorts that Sachi wears in Omukae Death! 😃

On the acting front, the two mains are not spectacular, but they are both popular young actors so I can understand the casting. Like I mentioned before, Tao Tsuchiya is one of my favorites so I generally watch the shows she is in. 💖 The two actors who play the grim-reapers are fun and do a good job, especially because one of them is just a kid! Of course, my Japanese language skills are not great so I don’t pick up on all the nuances, but I think the acting was okay!

In conclusion, I’d give Omukae Death a rating of 6 on a scale of 1-10. It’s certainly watchable and if you have any interest in the actors or the manga, then it might be worth giving it a shot. However, devoting ~10 hours for the entire series might be more of a commitment than you want to make for just an average dorama.

Departing Osaka Station at 0:00 旅の贈りもの-0:00発 (2006) – Movie Review

Departing Osaka Station at 0:00

This Japanese movie has been in my queue for a while and I finally got around to watching it this past weekend. “Departing Osaka Station at 0:00” is the type of movie that I really am drawn to because it has elements in it that I love: travel by train, unplanned journeys, a town by the sea… it’s like something out of a dream!

***Spoiler Alert***

There are two main plots, one of possible romance and the other involving a double-suicide, which come together to form a decent, yet unremarkable, story. The title of the movie refers to a special train which starts at Osaka at midnight, with an unknown destination. The passengers have different story-lines and they all come together at the destination town.

The overall ambiance of the film is quiet and calm, with some amount of introspection and character growth, but really there wasn’t enough and it wasn’t treated as deeply or seriously as I think it should have been. That’s my main problem with the movie… there are some aspects that just don’t fit the serious themes, for instance, there are some playful transitions from one scene to the next that you might expect in a straight up comedy. But they just don’t fit here, and they detract from the overall feeling. The subject of suicide is one of the most serious you can bring up, but it’s treated so lightheartedly that it feels almost disrespectful.

I liked the acting very much, especially the postmaster played by the late Hideji Ōtaki (大滝 秀治), and the suicidal teenager played by Hanako Takigawa (多岐川華子). I think her story was a missed opportunity to offer a more serious take on the subject that many people think about. I like that her story mixes with the older businessman’s (played by Shiro Taihei) to show that the problem that affects people of all ages. Unfortunately, the businessman’s character is too comedic to be taken seriously. (He was a comedian, after all)

At any rate, I enjoyed “Departing Osaka Station at 0:00” enough that I’ll seek out more by the same director in the future.

My rating: 8.5/10