I have been following the Logan Paul controversy a bit, but didn’t really know who he was or what his videos were about. But one Youtuber that I subscribe to and respect, Yuta, posted his take on Logan Paul, and I have to say he’s spot on. After watching Logan Paul’s other Japan videos, I am kind of pissed off. Logan Paul is an asshole.
Please take a moment to watch Yuta’s video for his perspective.
So, Wreck it Ralph 2 is coming out? That means I need to see the original, huh? And Fantastic Beasts 2? Okay, I need to get busy watching the first one! 😆
Plus my brother says that Ex Machina was good so I should add that to the list… need more time. ⏳
So, it’s the second day of the new year, and I decided to renew some habits that I started last year. The first is to do my daily exercise of morning squats and evening planking. I’ve been inconsistent lately, but not too bad. Mariko and Bay said I should also do some stretching or yoga poses too, and I think that is a good idea so I might try to work that into my routine.
I’m also going to keep up with my daily blogging and my daily photos. These are things I’ve been doing for a couple years now and I don’t see a good reason why I should stop.
Lastly, I will renew my efforts to learn Japanese. Each night I write a bit of hiragana and katakana and I will start taking more notes on vocabulary and try to quit writing in romaji. Perhaps the photo above will be the last romaji?
I think these things are doable, considering my current schedule, and just doing little by little hasn’t been difficult in 2017.
Oh, and one more new thing for me will be to make a short 1-second video every day. At the end of the year, we’ll see how the completed movie turns out!
So, on to the habits that I will release this year. The first is my daily journal writing. I think that it became a little redundant since I write daily here in this blog. Next, I am going to stop playing video/mobile phone games so much. I won’t quit completely, but I feel like that is a huge time-sink that could be better spent reading, studying, or drawing.
I added some stickers to my Crosstrek the other day. I am kind of nuts for the game Splatoon, and I love the fake brands they have in the game, so I added the “Zink” logo to the bumper. And of course, I had to represent my Dodgers! FYI, I bought the stickers from RedBubble, then trimmed them a bit with scissors, and put clear plastic over the top for a little more protection from the elements.
I really love my new car. It’s kind of fun and unique, so why not have even more fun with it? 😝
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My camera & photos
I use a Fujifilm X-series camera for most of the photos on this site and my Instagram. Why not pick one up for yourself?