“Fuchico Omiyage” Cedar Park, 2017
こんばんは。Today Mariko and Bay returned from their three-week+ long trip to Japan with suitcases full of omiyage (gifts) and food in tow. One of the things I received was a new Fuchico “Japan” series figure. It’s pretty fun, silly, and cool! ❤️
While I was waiting at the airport for them to arrive, I made a small sketch in my Traveler’s Notebook. As I was sketching the Jeep, it started to drive away, so I had to hurry and then try to remember what it looked like as I hadn’t quite finished. But I think it turned out ok. I just wish the ink were waterproof so I could watercolor over it. Oh well. Maybe I need to get some waterproof ink for my Kakuno fountain pen in the future.

“Small Sketch” Austin, 2017
I hope you had a nice Thursday!