Yay for tradition, especially when it comes to food!
My auntie and uncle brought down a huge spread for bagels, cream cheese, deli meats, and lox one year back in the 80s, and it has become tradition. I love it!
daily slice-of-life photo blog of a Gen-X dad
Yay for tradition, especially when it comes to food!
My auntie and uncle brought down a huge spread for bagels, cream cheese, deli meats, and lox one year back in the 80s, and it has become tradition. I love it!
I’ve noticed furikake has gained in popularity recently. So when Mariko added it to her bagels, I was very interested! And wow, it tastes so good. I like it much better than everything bagels.
So happy to have fresh bread so often at our house. Unfortunately, these goodies are bound for other people’s bellies, not mine. 😥
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💕