Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/950 sec, ISO32 “Fishing Brompton” Cedar Park, 2023
I went on a bike ride this afternoon with the intention of doing a bit of fishing, but I came up empty-handed. It’s ironic that the larger lake near my house is so unpredictable, while the small neighborhood pond is teeming with bluegill. But I do enjoy trying my luck at different lakes, and the bike ride itself was a lot of fun, so I’m not too disappointed.
I got a new Insta360 X3 camera the other day, and I took Piplup for a ride to test it out. It’s amazing! I can capture angles that I’ve never been able to before, and the test-run was a lot of fun. I’m not sure if the footage is good enough for a YouTube video yet, but there will definitely be more to come.
Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/710 sec, ISO32 “Tiny Blue Gill” Cedar Park, 2023
I went fishing at the local lake this morning. I decided to target bluegill, which are a high-probability fish, instead of bass, which I have never caught before. I caught a small one right away, but I wasn’t able to catch any larger ones. The fishing spot got crowded pretty quickly after a boy scout troop arrived, so I packed up my gear and went for a ride before heading home. It was still a fun little trip, and I’m glad I got to catch a bluegill. 🎣
Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/950 sec, ISO32 “Hungry Duck” Cedar Park, 2023Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/10000 sec, ISO32 “Fishing Brompton” Cedar Park, 2023Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/530 sec, ISO32 “Fishing Brompton” Cedar Park, 2023
Despite the 105° F heat, Piplup and I went for a bike ride today. I took precautions to stay safe in the heat, such as covering up with sun protection and drinking plenty of water with electrolytes. We rode at a slow pace from our house to the end of the newly-renovated trail. The renovations have made the bike path much more enjoyable to ride, as it is now uninterrupted by any intersections with the street. I rode about 27 kilometers and only had to cross one major street. 😀
It was a great ride, and I’m glad we took the time to do it. Even though it was hot, we were able to stay safe and hydrated. I’m looking forward to going back on the trail soon.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/4.5, 1/200 sec, ISO320 “Piplup and Ferns” Round Rock, 2023