Attention Seeker

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/60 sec, ISO125
“Attention Seeker” Cedar Park, 2023

Today I had a meeting and of course as soon as it got close to starting, both Lani and Yuzu needed my attention. It’s so strange how they “know” a meeting is coming (especially the dog) and start being loud and needy.

Yuzu contributed by walking on the laptop keyboard and getting in front of the camera. I don’t know how disruptive she was since I have self-view turned off in Zoom, but I’m sure she had a positive impact on the meeting. :)

I hope you had a great day.

Not 100%

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/60 sec, ISO160
“Anko Shadow” Cedar Park, 2023

Today I wasn’t feeling well, so I took the afternoon off from work. I was pretty tired and a little congested. Feels like allergies I think… Anyways, I am sure I’ll feel better tomorrow, and hopefully by this evening! I usually bounce back pretty quickly. :)

Here’s a cute photo of Anko and her shadow. Enjoy!