Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1600 “Poke Donburi” Cedar Park, 2017
こんばんは。Did you have a good Friday?
With the return of Mariko and Bay, Koa and I will end our “Bachelor summer”, which means we also are ending our Bachelor diets, which are not healthy at all… We’ve been craving the good food that Mariko provides for us, and tonight we enjoyed a simple but delicious poke donburi (rice bowl). 🐟🍚 It was such a treat!
I’m looking forward to miso soup too, especially because Mariko said she brought back some really good miso. I can’t wait. And karaage, and tofu, and vegetables, etc. etc. etc.
And even the ice cream got a nice upgrade when they came back from Japan. Cookie toppings in the shape of pandas! 🐼🍪🍨
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1000 “Ice Cream Treat” Cedar Park, 2017
こんばんは。How’s it going? Today was another beautiful day, although the weatherman said a cold front was coming through this morning and we might have some rain. I don’t know if 70° F is considered a cold front, but whatever!
A Rare Lunch
So for a year or so now I’ve been eating 1.5 meals per day instead of the common 3 meals per day tradition. I estimate 1.5 because I don’t eat breakfast, but will often have a small snack in the afternoon, and then have a normal dinner. Oftentimes I skip the snack and just have one meal.
This week, though, I’ve eaten lunch both Monday and Tuesday, which is extremely rare. But yesterday the Banh Mi food truck was outside the office and I couldn’t resist. And today I wanted to finish up my oyakodon leftovers so I packed a small bento (actually a plain glass food container) to enjoy at lunchtime. 🍱
It was such a nice day that I decided to eat in one of the office park’s many courtyards, but of course I chose the one that has a PokéStop! Not only did I get to enjoy my bento, but I stocked up on Poké Balls and other goodies, as well as caught several Pokémon, including a new type for me.
Even though I only spent half an hour outside, it was refreshing and I went back to work with a clear mind. 😀
Korean Donburi
Tonight Mariko had to work again, but she prepared an easy dish for me to cook for myself and the kids: a Korean-style Donburi. As you may know, donburi is basically a bowl of rice with some kind of topping. Tonight’s donburi was onion, carrots, and spicy Korean pork, which Mariko bought from the Korean market.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO2500 “Korean Donburi” Cedar Park, 2017
We also enjoyed a fresh green salad, which went perfectly with the spicy pork. In fact, we wrapped the pork with lettuce just like we were at the Korean BBQ. おいしかった!
I hope you had a great Tuesday!
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My camera & photos
I use a Fujifilm X-series camera for most of the photos on this site and my Instagram. Why not pick one up for yourself?