Tokyo Love Story (1991) Rewatch

Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 6.7649998656528mm, f/1.8, 1/60 sec, ISO200
“Tokyo Love Story” Cedar Park, 2025

Tokyo Love Story (1991) recently arrived on Netflix, so I decided to revisit it. I believe I first watched it in the early ’90s while living in Los Angeles. One of the local TV stations used to air Japanese doramas on Sunday evenings, and I’m pretty sure that’s where I saw it.

I only have a faint memory of the storyline, but the theme song? That’s unforgettable – so nostalgic! And that bassline…

Mental Tsuyome Bijo Shirakawa-san

Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/60 sec, ISO500
“New Dorama” Cedar Park, 2024

Today I finished up the Japanese dorama “Mental Tsuyome Bijo Shirakawa-san“. I haven’t watched a dorama in a while, but I think this one has gotten me back on the wagon. As far as stories go, it’s nothing too special, but I did pick up a few bits of wisdom that I think will be valuable in real life, so I am happy. All-in-all I did enjoy this one! I think I am pretty good at deciding pretty early on in a series if I want to continue or not. It feels good to just say, “no, this isn’t for me” and not feel guilty about not finishing.

Finished Dragon Zakura Season 2

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1600
“Dragon Zakura Reunion” Cedar Park, 2021

Today I watched the final two episodes of Dragon Zakura 2. It was a great continuation of the first series, which aired 16 year earlier. What I really liked about it was that besides Abe Hiroshi reprising his role, Nagasawa Masami returned in a starring role. In the original series, she was one of the students in the class that was aiming for admission into Tokyo University, and in this series, she is now a lawyer, after graduating from Todai.

The plot of Dragon Zakura 2 is more complicated, with deeper subplots, but both stories were interesting, and both casts were also very good. It was really cool that almost all of the original students came back for cameos in the second series. I actually didn’t think Aragaki Yui (whose is enjoying a successful acting career) would come back, but in the final few minutes of the last episode, she makes her cameo. In fact, only Yama-P didn’t return, which I didn’t really care about anyways. 😄

I highly recommend both Dragon Zakura and Dragon Zakura 2. Lots of fun!

Rikokatsu リコカツ (2021) – Dorama Review

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1000
“リコカツ” Cedar Park, 2021

******** SPOILER ALERT *********

Today I finished up watching the last episode of Rikokatsu リコカツ starring my favorite actress, Kitagawa Keiko 北川景子 as Saki. Co-starring with her is Nagayama Eita 永山瑛太 as her husband, Koichi. The premise of the story is that the couple meet by chance and marry quickly, and later decide that they have nothing in common and should divorce. Along with them, their parents are also divorcing, as well as Saki’s sister.

It’s a very lighthearted comedy, and Eita’s comedic acting is hilarious. I was laughing out loud several times watching this dorama because of him. Besides the humor, there were also a few times that tugged on the heart-strings which is something I always appreciate in a movie or dorama. 😭

I thought the story itself was just okay, and a bit repetitive and predictable. It’s a typical melodramatic Japanese dorama, so if you are in the mood for it (or a fan of one of the actors as I am) Rikokatsu is a decent choice.

One of the characters that I disliked greatly was Minazuki Ren, a novelist to whom Saki is assigned as editor. Minazuki’s behavior is infuriating, exhibiting sexual harassment, power harassment, and literal thievery. He’s a total asshole. I kept hoping he would get his lights punched out. I know this is not a serious dorama, but normalizing that kind of behavior (without any repercussions) is awful. Towards the end, we learn he had a difficult childhood and is struggling to become a better person, but the way he treats everyone just makes my blood boil.

Okay, back to the positives… the ending where Koichi bends a bit to make a compromise so that Saki can live her dream was pretty cool and well-done. The long-distance relationship and video calls were funny and during this pandemic time, everyone can relate. I enjoy anything Kitagawa Keiko is in, but in this dorama it was refreshing to watch her as a “normal” person. In Ie Uru Onna 家売るオンナ, her character is very one-dimensional, outwardly emotionless, and never smiled. After watching two seasons of that character, it was nice to see her acting as a person with a range of relatable emotions, and is not always dressed/made-up perfectly.

I give Rikokatsu a 7 out of 10.

p.s. Thank you to Citrine Subs for subbing Rikokatsu!